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GG-One Software Articles

Avoiding Disasters
Construction Projects and Insurance Safety

Construction projects can be simple, short term tasks or complex, multi-year endeavors involving millions of dollars. In major projects, numerous outside contractors (and subcontractors) are often hired, even if the overall project is awarded to a large well-known engineering or construction firm. Unless the project is insured in a Wrap Up program (all contractors, subs and subs of subs are insured under one contract for one job), then management cannot presume that all of their contractors are insured continuously through the period of the project.


Many Construction Projects Involve Multiple Tiers of Subcontractors

In a major project involving multiple aspects such as roadwork, foundations, electrical, plumbing or roofing, the general contractor awarded the overall contract often hires...

How to Survive Insurance Audits
Avoiding the pitfalls and surprises of the ‘bad audit’ experience!

All companies covered by insurance must respond to insurance audits annually. These audits can be good experiences if managed correctly, or can become stressful events resulting in wasted time, premium increases and adjustments or even cancellation of policies. By knowing what to prepare and maintaining organized records, you can survive your insurance audit.


Why are insurance policies audited?

Policies are audited to ensure that the premium charged by the insurance company reflects their actual exposure, which was estimated at policy inception.

Insurance audits are performed by employees of the insurance company or independent auditors hired by the insurance company...

Taking Efficiency to the Next Level
Automating the COI Tracking Process

How do you keep track of future tasks, responses due and upcoming events? Do you make note of the outcome of a meeting and agreed upon next steps? Were any documents presented that should be kept as a record?


While electronic calendars and Smart phones can provide a list of meetings and reminders, they fall short with providing a history of what actually happened. Instead, you may want to consider a simple document tracking system. These systems can track complex contract agreements and the action items associated with the performance of the contract including milestones, deliverables due, bond expirations and...

The Paperless Office
How Software Can Improve Your Efficiency

Look around your office – do you see piles of paper or walls of filing cabinets? The paperless office is within easy reach using today’s computer software. There are many reasons to go ‘paperless’ and by selecting software products that allow you to attach documents for historical reference, you can improve efficiencies and avoid potentially disastrous situations for your company.


Do filing cabinets line your walls?

Paper systems need space to live – and office space is expensive, whether in file cabinets or piles on desks and floors. Paper is easily damaged by tearing, spilled coffee or sticky lunch time fingers.

Electronic files take little or no office space, are not easily damaged and documents remain in the same condition as you originally received them. By storing your files electronically, you can save money...

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