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Certificate of Insurance Tracking
and Document/Contract Software

New Letter [Status] Display Switch - Feature
Switch on and off Display of Required Limit Values
By GG-One Software, Inc.
Construction projects can be simple, short term tasks or complex, multi-year endeavors involving millions of dollars. In major projects, numerous outside contractors (and subcontractors) are often hired, even if the overall project is awarded to a large well-known engineering or construction firm. Unless the project is insured in a Wrap Up program (all contractors, subs and subs of subs are insured under one contract for one job), then management cannot presume that all of their contractors are insured continuously through the period of the project.
The [Status] mail-merge field available in the non-compliance letter templates, list a summary of issues found (or manually reported) on a vendor's COI. If a COI contains a lot of issues or required verbiage or some other requirements that cause the [Status] field to look too cluttered (or if you just want to display minimal information), you can control whether this status information gets listed in the [Status] mail-merge field on your letters.
Global Switch Setting
The global setting, which is located in your {Edit Company Record - Defaults} tab, it's set by default to "ON" but can be turned "OFF". All certificate entries will be set to use the Global Setting but can be over-ridden at the certificate record.

Local Switch Setting
The local switch setting, which is located in the {Edit Certificate Record}, controls whether the record uses the Global Switch Settings or if you want to over-ride the globa setting, you can turning on or off (no matter what the global setting is).

Letter Merge Field [Status] Content Display (Globally / Locally On):

Letter Merge Field [Status] Content Display (Globally / Locally OFF):

Quick review of what will appear in [Status] mail-merge field:
Letter Merge Field [Status] Content Display (Certificate List - Status Dialogue):

Letter Merge Field [Status] Content Display (Edit Certificate - Status Tab):

GG-One Software has been providing insurance certificate tracking software since 1994. Their iFastrack Insurance Certificate Tracking and Document Management product is available in Web and Windows versions. Visit GG-One Software’s website at or email GG-One Software at for more information.