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Certificate of Insurance Tracking
and Document/Contract Software

New Email Feature
Validate Recipient Email
By GG-One Software, Inc.
Construction projects can be simple, short term tasks or complex, multi-year endeavors involving millions of dollars. In major projects, numerous outside contractors (and subcontractors) are often hired, even if the overall project is awarded to a large well-known engineering or construction firm. Unless the project is insured in a Wrap Up program (all contractors, subs and subs of subs are insured under one contract for one job), then management cannot presume that all of their contractors are insured continuously through the period of the project.
Last year GG-One implemented an advanced emailing engine into iFastrack that supports the changing security and validation protocols needed for successful email communications in today's email landscape. This year we have incorporated the latest security protocols and authentication practices for validating your recipient email addresses to help protect your reputation and increase recipient interaction (see our Introduction to Email Sender Reputation).
Recipient Email Address Validation
If your recipient email addresses are not validated prior to sending, your sender reputation can become negatively impacted, reducing the likelihood your email will successfully reach its destination. Email Service providers now include your sender reputation in determining the safety and reliability of an email.
Each time an email you send gets blocked or bounces due to incorrect spelling, invalid/fake address (user not found), your reputation is affected.
iFastrack now validates each recipient email address prior to sending. Depending on which iFastrack Edition you are using (open Help--> About iFastrack--> License to see your edition) is how an address will be validated and how an issue is handled.
For Cloud Edition Users (indicates SaaS Cloud on license screen):
The recipient email address statistics is searched in a national reputation database where pertinent data is retrieved and analyzed for negative marks and a potential percentage of success is formulated. A percentage under 20% will automatically prevent the email from being sent. If this occurs in the non-compliance letters, the letter will be printed (no email sent for that contact).
You will be able to view recipient email status data by clicking on most email display fields. A dialogue will appear showing the national status of the address (hover your cursor over a box for an explanation).

For Std Edition Users:
A validation query email is attempted to be submitted (without sending the email yet), no detailed status data is retrieved.
If the validation query passes, the email is sent, if it fails, an error message is displayed. This method is strictly a pass or fail. An attempt to determine a problem is made, for example an incorrectly formatted address or address domain does not exist (Note: not all email service providers provide failure reasons).
GG-One Software has been providing insurance certificate tracking software since 1994. Their iFastrack Insurance Certificate Tracking and Document Management product is available in Web and Windows versions. Visit GG-One Software’s website at or email GG-One Software at for more information.